Eckhart Tolle The Power Of Now Pdf Free Download0

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Eckhart Tolle Free Pdf Books

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment By eckhart tolle Pdf is of of the best book that you can download for free. To make the trip to the Today we’ll have to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. 562 quotes from The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment: ‘Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. ― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also of 'the one who observes,' the silent watcher. This is the power of.

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Preview — The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle's message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. And while this message may not seem stunningly original or fresh, Tolle's clear writing, supportive voice and enthusiasm make this an excellent manual for anyone who's ever wondered what exactly 'living in the now' means. Foremost, Tolle is a world-class teacher, able to...more
Published August 19th 2004 by New World Library (first published 1997)
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DonnaI have health problems also. I have fibromyalgia and possibly early rheumatoid arthritis.... so a lot of chronic pain. I decided to read this book…moreI have health problems also. I have fibromyalgia and possibly early rheumatoid arthritis.... so a lot of chronic pain. I decided to read this book after hearing a quote by Tolle on a TV show. I don't know if it is in this book or not though. 'Where this is anger, there is always pain underneath.' That quote really hit home with me because I have a lot of childhood issues and I've been trying to forgive but something always reminds me and brings back all the bad memories and feelings. I think this is something this book can help me with but I must say, I'm not even half way and reading this is slow. I'm currently on page 66 of the kindle ebook and I have highlighted several passages. A lot of it seems redundant but I think it is meant to be that way to help everyone in their different situations. I did find it useful that I was read this book while on a trip recently. I don't fly well and tend to flip out during take off's, landings and any turbulence. On the return flight I really focused on what I was hearing and smelling etc (just like they said in the book) and it did help me to calm down. I also noticed I do dwell a lot on past events and rehash them in my mind. Learning to stop that and keep my focus in the present has helped me to feel less negative and angry about those things. Maybe I can get to the point where I can forgive now. I hope you can get through the book and that it helps you. (less)
s.m. k.What Tolle is talking about are the practices of mindfulness and disidentifying with your thoughts (both of which are now being massively taken up in…moreWhat Tolle is talking about are the practices of mindfulness and disidentifying with your thoughts (both of which are now being massively taken up in one form or another in Western cognitive-behavioral therapy). The book is another way of talking about what Buddhists and yogis have been saying for a very long time. As these are basic Buddhist and Yogic principles/practices, you could do a search on any of these terms (mindfulness may be the best term to use) for possible alternatives. It is difficult to make a specific recommendation because, as Dean has suggested, it depends on your own preferences/interests and background in Eastern psychology/philosophy.
One alternative book that is very narrative and combines yogic ideas with personal stories is The Wisdom of Yoga by Stephen Cope. It is written for Westerners and is not 'heavy' reading, which may be good or bad depending on your preference. But there are many books out there addressing these topics. I do think Tolle has done a good job of explaining these ideas/practices in a way that is accessible to many--and that is a good thing. Good luck on your search!(less)
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Jul 16, 2007Stacy rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: anyone interested in evolving spiritually
Mr. Tolle spent two years sitting on park benches and simply 'living in the moment' prior to writing this book. I doubt whether I will ever take the time in my life to do such a thing, however the suggestion he offers that we all spend a ridiculous amount of time either worrying about the future, or dwelling on the past has impacted me in a huge way. Until I read this book, I never noticed how in sane my mind can make me if I choose to let it. Tolle implores the reader to take the reigns of his...more
Jul 24, 2008Erin rated it did not like it
The power of now by eckhart tolle
There is no nice way to say this. I hated this book with a fiery passion. It did not make me feel at peace. Rather, it made me want to chew off my arm. I bet if we asked Eckhart Tolle why I felt that way, he'd say that I wasn't really listening to his message.
My problems with the book were as follows. First off, the tone of the book was extremely condescending. Written in a question/answer format, many of the answers started out with 'You're not really listening' or 'You don't understand what I'
Mar 16, 2014howl of minerva rated it did not like it
Shelves: self-help, total-crap, myth-religion-folklore
It would be easy to dismiss this book as a fruit-salad of New Age and pseudo-buddhist clichés, mashed to a fine purée of nonsense and sold as a cure for what ails you in our age of secular alienation. In fact, that is what it is and that is what I'll do.
The book opens with what readers of religious texts, the erowid archives and Huxley's The Doors of Perception will recognise as a classic mystical experience, epiphany or trip:
'One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I woke up in the
Jul 02, 2008Kristoffer rated it it was amazing
There is a point in our lives when we say enough is enough. This is what this book is about. In one of his greatest works Eckhart Tolle teaches us the real meaning of spirituality. He teaches us the importance of the present moment. Through the recognition of the ego he makes us aware of how it destroys our lives. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for the real meaning of their lives and to anyone who is sick and tired of the usual thing.
The first time I encountered this book was w
Jun 11, 2012Anna rated it did not like it
First of all, I must say I'm very much into all kinds of self-help books as well as new age stuff. I'm a believer! I read avidly all about OBE, reincarnations, karma, mindfulness, meditation practices and I try to make use of what I read in my everyday life. So, of course, I was looking forward to this book, especially as it was recommended to me by people whose opinion I value.
And my oh my, wasn't it total deception. I made it until about half of the book when I realized I really could take no
Oct 23, 2011Michael rated it did not like it
Also on my bookshelf is a review of Tolle's THE NEW EARTH. I read it because of the recommendation from Oprah. In that review I said he used 300 pages to say what he could have said in a 10 page essay. I read this book because someone I know said it was great. I think it's just another bunch of psycho-babble bullshit this rich con-man threw together. Really people....if you have issues, go get help without throwing your money away on this kind of crap. No, I did not buy it....the book is a loane...more
Sep 23, 2007Edwin B rated it it was amazing
Upon 2nd reading of this book, I realized that any form of negativity I may have in the moment actually reflects a resistance to the present moment - a refusal to accept the here and now (which is the only reality).
Previous to this, I had thought that negativity simply is - and therefore should simply be noticed and accepted as part of the current reality, and not struggled against.
True, negativity shouldn't be railed at nor struggled against - but should instead be simply noticed. However, noti
Jan 09, 2016Clumsy Storyteller rated it really liked it
i loved this book so much i'll probably read it again, I agree with the author on so many things .... like the fact that the word “God” is misused and By misuse, I mean that people who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying. This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs, assertions, and egoic delusions,...more
I passed this book dozens of times in my yoga studio back in 2003. It was so popular and its praises so well sung by my yoga teacher, Steve Ross, that I thought it must be a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo. I didn't want to read it because I thought that it would entail jumping on some Los Angeles hippy bandwagon.
I opened myself up to Eckhart Tolle after watching him on Oprah's Spirit Channel and I'm so glad that I did. This book is really great. It contains such simple philosophy that is so hard
Jan 31, 2008Jillian rated it it was amazing
Recommended to Jillian by: Oprah
Shelves: self-help-how-to-s, philosophy, favorites, spirituality

Eckhart Tolle The Power Of Now Pdf

I've read a few books with similar messages about living in the present, being mindful, and grateful--it's a very zen-like message--but this book was different. Tolle explains that we are not our thoughts.
'The very fact that we can objectively observe our thinking, he reasoned, suggests that the constant and often negative dialogue in our heads is separate from who we are.'
That's a quote I took from the interview between Tolle and Oprah from the May article in O magazine since I think it sums u
Sep 08, 2010Marcus Knight rated it did not like it
This is an awful, awful book. Sorry, there's no other way of putting it. And I can hear people saying already 'but it makes me feel better'.
Whatever makes you feel in control, I guess. But sometimes things which make us feel better aren’t necessarily true or even good for us. Tolle and others like him are squarely in the camp of woo (as the great Randi would say!). They promote a watered down and ultimately meaningless new-age theology. (And of course Oprah loves him.) I expected more, but he si
I like Echkart Tolle. I recommend this book if you are into new age spirituality or not. Even if you aren't into spirituality at all, check it out. I mean, jeez, spiritual enlightenment for less than $20, how could you go wrong?
I sometimes struggle with doubts about him, but I do this with all spiritual teachers. Another reviewer described him as a 'pompous fraud' who 'steals the classic works of Eastern cultures and repackages them in a poorly-written and impossibly stupid manner.' My conscious
Jun 15, 2008Stephanie *Extremely Stable Genius* rated it really liked it
I am up at stupid o'clock because my redneck neighbors upstairs are fighting once again. I'm sure whatever it is about, it has nothing to do with 'Now'. It's got to be about something such as, who took who's cigarettes, beer, and baby mama yesterday and what they plan to do to each other tomorrow in revenge. But what they are really doing is ruining my 'now' flippin' ASSHATS! *shakes her fist at the ceiling fan*
Anyway......I digress.
Eckhart Tolle had an epiphany, or, a complete mental b
Jul 17, 2013Alex Ristea rated it did not like it
Eckhart Tolle is a fraud and a liar.
I read this book because on a fundamental level, I agree with the principles. Living in the now, and not worrying too much about what has happened or what will happen.
It’s something that I’ve really come to appreciate through my yoga practice, and has made its way into my day-to-day life. I find myself a happier person that I can simply enjoy whatever I am doing, be it having a coffee on a patio, or being with friends, or even something seemingly benign as gro
Loy Machedo’s Book Review – The Power of Now by Echkart Tolle.
Before I start thrashing the book, let me give you a few interesting facts.
• The book was published in the late 1990.
• Initially around 3000 copies were printed.
• Oprah Winfrey the great influencer recommended this book in her magazine (did she even understand the book?)
• After this debacle, the sales shot up to 3 Million Copies translated into 33 languages. (Its no surprise why every author wants Oprah to recommend their book).
So let
Feb 01, 2011Stephanie MacDonald rated it it was ok
I was excited to read this book. I am drawn to the power of thought, the law of attraction mixed with letting go of the past and living in the moment. I thought this book would further teach about how living in the now is so important, as present moment really is all we have. However the way this book was constructed was poor. The Q & A weren't very helpful as the questions posted weren't even any questions I would have asked and oftentimes his answers were rude... say things like 'you don't...more
Jun 30, 2008Steph rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: Someone at the bottom of the hole with no way out
If you are looking for a self-help book, then go a head and read this one - it may actually help you. Otherwise, don't give it to someone else unless they are already actively seeking self-help/enlightenment advice.
Honestly, I couldn't get past the first chapter of this book. An acquaintance gave it to me; apparently he was worried that I wasn't a happy camper. It's closer to the truth to say that he has a bad tendency to try to change people when they don't fit he pre-determined picture of how
May 01, 2007AndiEckhart Tolle The Power Of Now Pdf Free Download0

Eckhart Tolle The Power Of Now Pdf Free Download

rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: People with busy minds that need to slow down
This book is an excellent guide to shutting of your brain noise. We let our brains run us mad most of the time, and never really stop to enjoy the space we are in. Always dwelling over the past, or fretting about the future. This book points out that the future is 100% unpredictable (so stop making up stories about what is going to happen when you have absolutely NO IDEA) and to stop worrying about the past because no amount of energy devoted to the past will change it. Instead, be in the now; b...more
Sep 23, 2007Laura rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Another one of those awesome, life-changing books!
Mar 27, 2012susie rated it it was ok
This book came highly recommended on a blog I read, and it was recommended alongside another book in the same vein that I read and loved - so I thought, 'Why not?'
And here's why not:
Although the book has a handful of insights and important concepts overall (which you could probably pick up from ANY book about meditation - you know, things about going through life consciously rather than unconsciously, aware of emotions and separate from judgement, accepting of the present rather than dwelling
Eckhart Tolle is an excellent teacher. He teaches us a simple concept of living in the now and what happiness and blessings can be gleened from this practice.
It is a very strait forward teaching but with Tolle's dynamic writing style he brings each page to life for the reader.
I recommend this book to all.
Yesterday is history;
Tomorrow is a mystry;
Today is a gift from God.
That's why we call it the present.
Enjoy and Be Blessed.
The Power of Now is an appealingly written mix of powerful spiritual truths, meaningless babble, and falsehoods. Tolle has taken some good wisdom from the world's religions, dressed it in New Age language, personalized it with his own less impressive wisdom, and then used a powerful personal story* to sell the book.
I gave it the second star because it really does emphasize some good aspects of spirituality (especially the freedom of living in the moment). If you already have a good grounding in
(orignally written in 2006)
Books were a major part of my gift giving this year and, being slightly obsessive, I used their gift guides to inform my purchases. The guides provided by magazine editors were especially helpful and despite myself, I bought a hell of a lot of the suggestions from O. When I received the box in the mail, I realized that all of the items I had purchased had intended recipients except for one: The Power of Now.
I cracked the binding and read the first line of th
How Many time during the day have you caught you're self lost ?
Lost in thoughts , memories or mental dialogues ?
What should've happened ? What will happen ?
Why didn't I say this ? Or Do that ?
how many times have U caught yourself 20 minutes later completely indulged in thoughts and carried away with emotions about things that exist ONLY in your head ? Things that never happened , or happened a very long time ago ?
In my case , many many many times !
This book will help you to look up , look
Aug 01, 2014Sara Alaee rated it it was amazing
All I can say is that this is a life-changing book! Truly awesome!
Highly recommended to those who would like to improve the quality of their lives by realizing their “Being” through dwelling in “Now”. The past is past and the future is not here, and may not ever come.
Jul 26, 2015Ahmad Abugosh rated it did not like it
The Power of Now is a book by Eckhart Tolle, that sells itself as the road to happiness (sorry he's against using the word happiness, I mean fulfillment).
What I liked:
I liked how he encouraged you to live in the 'Now' and to remove yourself from your inner mind and act as an observer. I liked it when it was over.
What I didn't like:
I didn't like the style of him answering questions that people pose to him. Just because you answer a question, it doesn't mean the answer makes any sense!
I hate hi
Apr 20, 2019Oliver Smuhar rated it really liked it
Tolle's The Power Of Now is an extreme eye opener for any who are going through hard times. Reading this book during a long and harsh journey of being unemployed, having no money, being belittled by most managers due to my resume and having minimal help from family as they two were busy with their life's work, Tolle's teaching showed me how to overcome the depressing reality of being unemployed. Although, the book is not fantastically written, its simplicity during complex explanation on meditat...more
Mar 19, 2011Xavier Guillaume rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: Everyone, seriously Everyone should read this book
The suggestions in this book are similar to suggestions I've heard from someone I know who is in psychic school. He told me about root chakras and staying grounded while being in the center of your head. Reading this book, I believe being present is similar to these teachings.
When you are grounded, no negativity can enter your space. You are connected to the Earth, no harm can come to you, it only takes a little focus. Similarly, when you are present, no negativity can enter your space. The book
Dec 25, 2016Katie Bananas rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: audio-books, ebooks, library-rent-outs, 2016-c2c-challenge, self-improvement
After having read this book, I think it qualifies to be read multiple times. It really provides good essential tips to relax and just let go. I never really understood what letting go of emotions and feelings, past and future and living the moment. It's a pure mind declutter along with the Holy Book of your belief.
The author is well researched and knowledgeable of the religions and beliefs, which made it so much easier to associate with what he was explaining throughout. It made so much sense t
I like what Tolle is saying, but how he says it bugs me--sort of New Agey acceptance and love and peace mumbo jumbo. It's on a recommended reading list for a Zen meditation class I'm taking. Tolle's A New Earth is also on the list. Maybe I'll like it better.
As for the message of The Power of Now, I think the following exchange in Mel Brooks' zen classic Spaceballs sums it up better than this book:
Colonel Sandurz: Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now.
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Eckhart Tolle , born Ulrich Leonard Tolle, February 16, 1948, is a German-born writer, public speaker, and spiritual teacher. The New York Times has called him 'the most popular spiritual author in the nation'. He is the author of the bestsellers 'The Power of Now' and 'A New Earth'.
Tolle had an unhappy childhood in Germany and Spain. His depression reached its peak during early adulthood in Engla
Eckhart tolle the power of now pdf free download0 full
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” — 950 likes
“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” — 721 likes
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