The Metabolic Factor Blueprint Free Download

Product Name: The Metabolic Factor

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  • He thinks it has, and he wants to share it with everyone in the Metabolic Factor Blueprint. For almost two decades, Jonny has helped people lose fat by focusing on calories, insulin levels, and other common weight loss tactics, but now he’s discovered a breakthrough in fat loss that is nothing like he’s ever seen before.

Product Author: Dr. Jonny Bowden

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Do you struggle with losing weight and keeping it off, when restricting calories or going on an exercise plan? Then, Feel sleepy after eating a rich meal, especially one hour? If you say yes, The Metabolic Factor is the best program created by Dr. Jonny Bowden.

The guide focuses on improving all metabolic areas that work in conjunction with weight loss and weight management. Your results will depend on following the program as it was designed, the current state of your metabolism, your toxic load, and much more.

By the time you’ve finished this program, you’ll understand exactly how to do a metabolic tune- up that will get your hormones playing beautiful music together, signaling your cells to burn fat effortlessly and efficiently. From this program you will lose more weight in just 22 days!

What is the Metabolic Factor?

Metabolic Factor helps you boost your metabolism and helps it stay running optimally. It does this, along with other ways, by helping you to get rid of cravings, burn off fat, stabilize your appetite, improve your mood, and get rid of brain fog. The Metabolic Factor Diet and Transformation Guide is Dr. Jonny Bowden’s program that is aimed at optimizing your metabolism.

Metabolic Factor unique is that it focuses not only on driving insulin down, but driving IGF-1 up. And it takes into account your entire hormonal symphony, which is where the real action is when it comes to fat burning. Learn, when your metabolism works like it should, everything in your body starts to work better and you lose fat, gain energy, feel younger, and look younger.

Inside these guides and training books is a wealth of knowledge that is constructed and focused on being practical and actionable for all. In addition to the main manual, there are multiple tools designed to make sure that the program works as good as it possible can for you. In addition to tracking your weight, we encourage you to look at the inches lost, how you feel and how your clothes fit.

The Metabolic Factor Pathways

  • Pathway 1: Nutrition – Teach you exactly which foods you need to eliminate if you want to be a fat burner.

  • Pathway 2: Sleep – Show you how to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep so you can get and stay in fat-burning mode.
  • Pathway 3: Stress – Learn, when the stress hormone like cortisol goes too high, it literally tells your body to store fat around the middle, break down muscle, and further reduce your metabolic rate.
  • Pathway 4: Detoxification – Show you how to reduce your toxic exposure and detoxify your body naturally and efficiently.
  • Pathway 5: Exercise – Show you the most efficient way to exercise in this program, both for health and for fat loss.

What Will You Learn From The Metabolic Factor?

  • A hormonal discovery is rocking the weight loss world, and it’s going to change the way you look at fat burning forever.

  • You will learn how to eat to reverse any hormonal damage that has occurred, how to force your metabolism to use fat for energy, and much more.
  • You will learn how to sleep better, stress less, detoxify your body and exercise more efficiently.
  • You’ll learn just what foods to eat so that you can keep your fuel-burning mitochondria in tip-top shape.
  • From this program, you will learn how to promote healthy hormones that benefit your overall health.
  • In this program, you will learn which foods have the most health-promoting potential.
  • In this program learn how to combine foods to easily lose weight.
  • From this The Metabolic Factor program, you will learn how to exercise in a way that actually boosts fat loss guaranteed.


  • The program is simple to use and use a language that is understandable.

  • Pretty broad open and The Metabolic Factor is user-friendly.
  • Its 100% risk-free. All the treatment methods are natural and are based on scientific analysis.
  • It boosts your metabolism and make it work hard for you.
  • From this program reverse damage that you have done to your metabolism.
  • Free bonuses to help make the most out of your program and efforts.
  • Burn fat much easier once your metabolism is set in high gear.
  • Get an optimal metabolism that will keep the weight off and prevent a rebound effect.


  • The program requires a total commitment in order to achieve credible results. This means you have to be dedicated and follow all the methods suggested without relapse.

  • Some of the recipes are focused on meat, which means vegans and vegetarians will have to find proper substitutes.


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“Eat Pizza, Not Kale!”

Plus, he reveals a fully customizable eating plan designed to:

  • Activate the 5% of your body that burns 56% of your fat calories
  • Boost energy, revitalize your cells and fight symptoms of aging
  • Upgrade your “Fat Burning Level” by eating MORE cheat foods

Hi, my name is Dr. Jonny Bowden.

Over my 20-year career I’ve written 13 Amazon and New York Times best-selling books…

I’ve appeared on dozens of T.V. shows - like Dr. Oz and The Doctors - to share my experience helping over 250,000 men and women learn how to lose weight and keep it off…

And there’s one question I always get:

“What’s the real secret to rapid fat loss?”

I smile, look them right in the eyes, and say:

“Pizza, nachos, and ice cream.”

At first, they think I’m joking.

And frankly, I don’t blame them.

Yet, according to the latest metabolic research, it’s absolutely true.

You see, while everyone else obsesses over the latest trend… like Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Paleo, Vegan or Fermented Foods

Or tortures themselves in the gym with intense cross training, heavy lifting, and long, boring cardio…

My clients achieve spectacular weight loss and health improvements with a simple, fully customizable 22-day plan. For example…

“Shari Lost 14 lbs. in the First 22 Days… But Went on to Lose 130 lbs.!”*

The first 22 days got me started in the right direction and now after 1 year… look at me now. 130lbs GONE! Thank YOU JONNY. -Shari W.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight. Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

“Victor Lost 8 lbs. in the First 22 Days… But Went on to Drop 57 lbs.!”*

Today I'm down 57 lbs. 44' waist down to 36'. 18.5' neck down to 16'... Perfect bloodwork and I'm building muscle at age 66. Loved this program. -Victor Z.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight. Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

The 22-day plan you’re about to discover:

  • X Does NOT rely on “willpower” and iron-fisted self-control…
  • X Does NOT require any exercise at all (although your welcome to if you want)…
  • X Does NOT eliminate your favorite foods like pizza, nachos and ice cream!

It works – very simply – by activating your Metabolically Active Tissue, or M.A.T.

M.A.T. is the most powerful calorie burning tissue in the human body.

Yet it’s almost completely ignored by most “weight loss specialists.” Why?

Because it’s such a tiny part of your body that nobody even thinks of it!

It makes up only 5.2% of your body weight.

Yet this tissue burns more than half of your daily calories.

In fact, when it’s fully activated…

M.A.T. forces the body to burn fat 24 hours a day!

And research shows it’s 983% better at burning calories than any other part of the body! 1

Fascinating, right? That’s just the tip of the iceberg…

What’s really interesting is that many of your favorite “cheat foods” stimulate M.A.T. and help it burn calories even faster.

(The key is to eat them at just the right times…I’ll share more about that in a sec.)


However, you have to watch out… because many so-called “healthy foods” can practically switch off this tissue’s ability to burn calories…

So you see, I’m not exaggerating when I tell folks to eat more pizza (or nachos, brownies, ice cream, or your favorite treat)!

It’s absolutely critical to burn the most fat possible.

I know that’s hard to believe… especially for doctors and trainers brought up with the old-school “eat less, exercise more” mentality.

“What about broccoli and kale smoothies?!”

Sorry guys! Broccoli and kale are fine, but they won’t fully activate M.A.T.

“Then what about exercise?!”

Incredibly, when M.A.T. is fully active, even the simplest movements become fat torching “exercise.” For example, what if…

  • Brushing your teeth in the morning burned just as many fat calories as a mind-numbing elliptical or treadmill workout?
  • Walking around the block was better than straining your joints lifting heavy weights in the gym?
  • Just doing the laundry – or carrying your groceries – burned more fat than one of those military style boot camps?

Well once your M.A.T. is fully active, that can be your reality…

Even in your 40s, 50s, 60s… or like me, even older.

I know that sounds crazy - at least I thought so when I first heard about it - but the scientific evidence is clear…

Replacing Just 3 “Health Foods” With Tasty Carbs
Fully Activates Fat-Burning M.A.T.

The trick is to eat those tasty carbs at just the right times to rev up your fat burning metabolism.

I’ve seen this totally transform thousands of folk’s bodies and health

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight. Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

So in just a moment, I’ll show you how to know exactly:

  • Which 3 “health foods” to avoid…
  • The delicious “cheat meals” that activate M.A.T. …
  • And a full 22-day fat-burning meal plan based on your needs and preferences…

Now, don’t worry. This plan:

  • X Does not force you to do any crazy exercise…
  • X Does not make you choke down a bunch of expensive pills.
  • X And it’s not about trends like ketosis or intermittent fasting…

It’s a simple, proven way to help women and men of all ages look better in their clothes…

Feel happier and more energetic throughout the day…

And regain the motivation to do what brings them the most joy in life…

However, before we cover this personal eating plan, you first have to ask:

What’s YOUR Fat Burning Type?

I’m sure you already know this, but you’re not like other people.

What may work for others to burn fat and lose weight, probably hasn’t worked for you.

Everyone has a unique metabolism.

That means everyone needs a custom plan for losing weight and improving their health.

So you must start by knowing how well your body is able to burn fat right now.

And that’s where your Fat Burning Type comes in.

You see, there are 4 different Fat Burner Levels.

Each level represents how well your M.A.T. burns fat vs. sugar (carbs).

  • Level 1 types have their M.A.T. stuck in low gear and burn the least fat.
  • Level 4 types have their M.A.T. humming at top speed and burn the most fat.

The lower your Fat Burning Level, the more metabolism relies on sugar and carbs.

And the more likely you are to show certain symptoms.

% of Calories Burned from Fat for Each Type

For example, many people with a lower Fat Burning Level develop “pocket obesity.”

These nasty pockets of fat can appear:

  • As a frustrating “muffin top” or “beer gut” that makes pants fit too tightly...
  • Unsightly pockets of fat on the hips or butt for women
  • Or embarrassing extra fat on the chest for men appearing as “man boobs”…

And for some folks, it’s pockets of “facial fat” making them look swollen or bloated.

For many, it’s a frustrating combination of all of the above.

Any of this pocket obesity is a sure sign of inactive M.A.T. and a lower Fat Burning Level.

There are many causes of a lower Fat Burner Level.

It can be the stress of juggling work, life, and family...

…an injury or illness...

…or any of the so-called “healthy foods” that poison M.A.T.

Worse, when your Fat Burning level is lowered…

Traditional Diet and Exercise Do NOT Work!

In fact, they can backfire, and lower your Fat Burning Level even more.

Luckily, there’s good news.

We were all born as Level 4 Fat Burners, so your cells already know how to burn fat.

That means you can quickly reactivate your powerful fat burning M.A.T.

  • In just 7-10 days you can upgrade your Fat Burning Level, enjoy better fitting clothes and start feeling fantastic…
  • After 22 days you may be showered with compliments and questions about what you’re doing…
  • And picturing yourself 6 months from today, you could be all the way up to a Level 4 Fat Burner.

At this point you’ll have a powerful metabolism that burns mostly fat.

It takes very little effort to stay lean.

And when you do indulge, your body quickly burns off any extra calories.

Don’t think for a second this isn’t possible…

Everyone Can Become A Level 4 Fat Burner
Because of One Shocking Breakthrough…

And I don’t use the word “breakthrough” casually.

As I mentioned, I’ve been a weight loss doctor for more than 20 years.

And a few years into my work I started to notice something VERY interesting.

I had a really good track record of success.

About 70% of the folks I worked with lost the weight they wanted… and they became far healthier along the way.

However, I wanted to know why 30% did NOT get the results everyone else achieved.

So I began studying these 30%ers closely. And what I discovered was shocking.

My Most Difficult Weight Loss Clients
Were Making 3 BIG Mistakes

  1. They were trying to burn calories with exercise…
  2. They were eating loads of the fake “health foods” I’m about to show you…
  3. And they were depriving themselves of all their favorite foods…

Yet they couldn’t lose the weight they desired. Often, they would gain weight instead.

I’ll admit it, at first, I didn’t understand why.

That is until I made a shocking discovery that proved it wasn’t their fault.

It’s not yours either (so promise you’ll relax any judgments about weight loss struggles).

My big breakthrough came from an obscure 2001 medical paper.

I remember digging through countless studies on fat metabolism.

And I stumbled across a long-forgotten article in The Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care Journal.

I opened it up, almost magically, to the very page that changed the lives of my 30%ers…

The story was about how the human body burns calories AT REST.

This was when I first discovered Metabolically Active Tissue, or M.A.T.

Here’s what the article revealed:

M.A.T. is only 5.2% of your body’s tissue,
yet burns 56.8% of your calories! 1

And it gets even more interesting…

This special tissue is so powerful it burns 331% more calories than muscle… 2

And it burns 983% more calories per second than any other part of your body! 3

The more I dug into this weight loss treasure map, the more “ah-ha” moments I had.

I was shocked to learn that most of your M.A.T. is in just 4 organs.

Over 44% of Daily Calories Burned by M.A.T.

That means your life literally depends on M.A.T.!

And these organs are fueled most efficiently by fat.

Even your brain can run entirely on fat calories.

In some lucky folks, this tissue is on a full-out metabolic sprint…

Operating at full capacity and burning truckloads of fat calories 24/7.

However, in others, M.A.T. is just sputtering along, burning tiny amounts of fat.

I call this “impaired M.A.T.”

Impaired M.A.T. was the reason
30% of my clients could not lose weight.

They were doing everything “right,” but only burning a fraction of their unwanted body fat.

It’s why they were also:

  • Showing signs of early aging…
  • Experiencing aches and pains…
  • And feeling tired and “old” more often.

It’s no wonder why, right?

Picture your car when the gas is all but gone. Can you see it sputter along as you desperately look for the nearest gas station?

That’s what the liver, kidneys, heart and brain do when impaired…

… they struggle to just get by, rather than firing on all cylinders.

And it means they can’t burn the calories they SHOULD.

When M.A.T. is impaired, all the dieting in the world won’t deliver results.

In fact, regular “dieting” may inactivate M.A.T. even more, forcing more fat gain.

Once your M.A.T. is fully-activated, you can
eat more fatty foods and still lose weight!

That’s a delicious benefit to M.A.T. optimization.

When you activate “impaired” M.A.T., you burn fat.

Let me repeat that:

When you activate M.A.T., you BURN more fat.

It’s that simple.

That’s why I need to tell you about the 3 “healthy” foods that practically put M.A.T. in a coma...

And more importantly, give you a customized, M.A.T.-activating eating plan.

This plan trains your body to become a full-time fat burner in just 22 days.

Imagine life just 22 days from today:

Picture laying down for a few hours. You burn FAR more fat calories than you could before.

Just going to the grocery store burns off more fat calories than running on the treadmill used to.

Tonight you enjoy dinner with your friends.

They ask you, “What have you been doing to look this great so quickly?

You say: “I’ve been brushing my teeth!”

M.A.T. is that powerful.

Now of course, there’s more to it than brushing your teeth. If that were all it took, nearly everyone would be lean and healthy.

Just read until the end and you’ll have everything you need.

So, you should be curious right about now….

Why is your fat-burning M.A.T. impaired?

It all goes back to your childhood.

Did you know you were born with your fat-burning M.A.T. fully-activated?

It’s true. Babies are awesome fat-burners. That’s why breast milk is high in fat.

And why doctors recommend kids eat up to twice the fat adults typically get. 4

This super-active M.A.T. is one of the reasons most kids can eat you out of house and home and never put on an ounce of fat.

Won’t that fat-burning ability be wonderful to experience again?

It can happen much faster than you think.

You see, there’s a reason kids are such good fat burners.

They have optimal levels of what doctors are now calling “The Youth Hormone.”

And I’m NOT talking about HGH.

This forgotten hormone forces
M.A.T. to burn fat at an incredible rate.

And under certain conditions, it can work just as well in adults as in kids!

Unfortunately, levels of this hormone can drop by more than half as we age (unless you take action).5

Why? In part, it’s because of a double-whammy those so-called “healthy foods” deliver.

First, they disrupt this “youth hormone”…

And second, they raise levels of a M.A.T.-killing hormone. Level 1 Fat Burners produce far too much of this M.A.T.-killing hormone.

It’s called insulin.

And millions of men and women just like you struggle with it.

Insulin is produced by your pancreas to lower blood sugar.

Processed foods, sugar, and even certain supplements and medications can cause insulin to skyrocket.

In Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics, natural production of insulin is damaged, often requiring medication.

However, even in otherwise healthy folks, insulin is often too high for too long.

And guess what too much insulin does to your M.A.T.? It starves it.

And how about to your fat? It feeds it.

So insulin both starves your M.A.T. and feeds your FAT.

Here’s why that’s a nasty combination:

Take a typical family driving around town. The engine in the car is humming along and all is well.

Now, picture that engine becoming clogged and stuffed full of dirt and crud.

The engine slows...perhaps even stalls.

Even worse: the engine can seize up suddenly, causing a serious accident.

Insulin acts just like that dirt in YOUR metabolic engine.

It can cause M.A.T. to sputter along, struggling to get from one destination to the next…

M.A.T. slows down. Stalls out. Even seizes up.

I call this condition Metabolic Clog.

If your M.A.T. is clogged, your entire body suffers…
and weight loss crashes and burns.

This is not the life I desire for you, and I know you agree you deserve better.

After all, this is the engine that everyone you know and love depends on: your spouse, kids, grandkids, friends, family and co-workers.

That may sound like a pretty bleak picture to paint… and it WOULD BE if it were not for the “youth hormone” I mentioned a minute ago.

Optimizing this powerful hormone can tame insulin, repair M.A.T., and crank up fat burning.

It cleans out your metabolic engine, allowing you to burn fat faster.

I’ll tell you what it’s called in just a moment.

Just know this: the customized meal plan you’re about to see naturally optimizes this fat-burning hero!

It is your secret weapon in the battle of the bulge.

If you want to upgrade your Fat Burning Level…

Here’s how to optimize this hormone and fully-activate the calorie-burning power of your M.A.T.

Simply avoid the 3 specific categories of foods I outline below.

These foods pack on the pounds and beat up your M.A.T.

Think of them as M.A.T. DISRUPTORS.

However, rest easy: whether you are a Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Fat Burner, you can just swap them out with the delicious foods I’ll share on this very page below.

That’ll help optimize your level of this youth hormone, rebuild your M.A.T., and get your body back!

The 1st M.A.T. Disruptor to Avoid is:

Common cooking oils… especially soybean oil.

Soybean oil sneaks its way into common foods and is used in many restaurants.

Worst of all, it’s billed as “healthy”. That’s hogwash, and here’s why:

There are 2 fatty acids your cells need to stay healthy and burn fat: omega-6 and omega-3.

However, your cells need them in THE RIGHT amounts: ideally a 1-to-1 ratio.6

Now get this: soybean oil has 11 times more omega-6 than omega-3!

With that much of an omega-6 overload, your cells stop working the way they should.

And that sends M.A.T.-destroying insulin levels soaring. 7

Now you may not think you’re eating much soybean oil… but don’t be so sure.

Research shows it’s THE most widely used oil, accounting for 55% of ALL oil used…

It’s hidden in mayo, salad dressings, virtually all fast food… even in some breakfast meats and flavored coffees!

In fact, it’s the #1 source of omega-6 imbalances in the USA. 8

So what should you do instead?

Here’s what I recommend for men and women who are Level 1 Fat Burners…

  • Use extra virgin olive oil when cooking at low heat.
  • Use cold-pressed coconut oil when cooking at high heat.

Both of these natural oils are wonderful for your joints, 9,10 brain 11, and heart. 12,13

They also help optimize levels of the “youth hormone”…

The one that combats fat-storing insulin and helps fully-activate fat-burning M.A.T.

I’ll go over this more in a moment.

First, let’s cover:

The 2nd M.A.T. Disruptor to Avoid is:

Natural Sweeteners.

“But wait Dr. Jonny… aren’t natural sweeteners better than sugar?”

Not always.

In fact, some natural sweeteners can be far worse than sugar. Let me explain…

There are two types of molecules in sugar: glucose and fructose.

In table sugar, they’re balanced in a 1 to 1 ratio.

However, some other sweeteners have higher levels of fructose.

That’s a major problem.

Because while glucose is processed by your entire body…

Fructose is processed in your liver as a toxin.

Studies have linked fructose to everything from fatty liver disease to elevated triglycerides… And most importantly, to insulin resistance.

That means your body cranks out more insulin than it should.

This excess insulin feeds fat and starves M.A.T.

That’s why you may have heard that High Fructose Corn Syrup is worse than regular sugar.

It’s hidden in fruit juice, whole wheat bread… even in ketchup!

Well get this:

High Fructose Corn Syrup doesn’t have nearly as much fructose as another supposedly “healthy” sweetener: Agave Nectar.

Agave Nectar sounds “natural” right? It’s not!

It has as much as 92% fructose!

Eating Agave Nectar is like setting off an insulin bomb in your body.

Again, you may not think you’re eating much Agave Nectar.

However, if you eat just about any packaged food, you’re likely ingesting a LOT of it without knowing.

It’s in so-called ‘healthy’ protein bars, energy bars, and even weight loss products!

How outrageous is that?

So what should you use instead of these toxic sugars?

Liquid stevia. It’s easier on the stomach and tastes great.

It does not raise insulin or blood sugar levels.

Even better: stevia has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar and reduce insulin. 14

That means your M.A.T. gets a wonderful boost. You can burn more fat while you enjoy your favorite sweet treats.

In fact, I’ll give you a few delicious stevia-sweetened dessert recipes in your personalized plan in just a moment...

Right after I cover:

The 3rd M.A.T. Disruptor to Avoid is:
(This is Perhaps the Worst of All)

The reason these are so bad is that they affect the entire household.

I call them family foods.

These are foods you may be feeding your kids, spouse and friends...

“Family foods” include caramelized onions, charred steaks, and the real shocker:

Chicken breasts!

Specifically, chicken with barbecue sauce.

Now rest easy: chicken can be a healthy weight loss food… if you cook it right.

However, the sauces we put on chicken breasts are full of insulin-spiking sugar.

And there’s something worse about cooking with these sauces…

At a high enough heat, they create AGE particles.

“AGE” stands for “Advanced Glycation Endproducts”…

This sticky gunk gums up our M.A.T. and stalls the ability to burn fat.

Fortunately, there’s a simple and tasty fix:

Instead of using a sweet sauce to cook with, use real butter or coconut oil.

These fats actually have more flavor than most sugar-based sauces…

And eating them with a healthy protein like chicken will not make you fat.

Lower insulin and fewer AGE particles means faster weight loss..

Your health can improve….

Your skin may glow from the addition of healthy, natural fats.

And your energy can dramatically increase from the reduction of cancer-causing AGE particles.

Ok, now that you know the M.A.T.-disrupting foods you need to avoid…

It’s time you meet your “youth hormone” hero.

This is the one that feeds your M.A.T. while starving your fat.

And it’s the biggest weight loss breakthrough I’ve ever seen in my 20-plus-year career.

What’s really special about this youth hormone is you only have to follow a few simple food tweaks to naturally produce all you’ll ever need.

Your new weight loss savior is a little hormone called IGF-1.

IGF-1 was originally discovered in 1957. But at the time, doctors thought it was only important for children.

That’s because IGF-1 plays a big role in growing the brain, heart, liver and kidneys…

And it’s why kids have almost 3 times better IGF-1 levels than most adults… 15

This ideal level of IGF-1 makes kids perfect full-time fat burners.

However, its power to do the same thing for adults wasn’t understood until much more recently.

We now know IGF-1 plays a major role in turning fat calories into clean, long-burning fuel for your M.A.T.

And because your brain, liver, heart, and kidneys are your primary M.A.T...

The importance of optimizing IGF-1
CANNOT be overstated…

A 2014 study showed folks with the optimal level of IGF-1 had:

  • Larger brain volume, indicating enhanced cognitive function... 16
  • A lower risk for heart disease… 17
  • And much stronger bones. 18

And that’s not all it does.

Remember that IGF-1 is also known as the youth hormone.

That’s because a 2013 study showed IGF-1 can reduce skin wrinkling and facial aging.19

Imagine looking years younger!

And when you have M.A.T.-enhancing IGF-1 surging through your body, even your sleep may improve! (Just like when you were a baby!)

Here’s the problem… IGF-1 levels are impaired by:

  • 14% when we hit our 30s…
  • 25% in our 40s…
  • And a full 56% in our 60s. 20

Sounds pretty bleak, right? Well don’t worry.

Scientists have discovered a reliable way to optimize your M.A.T.-enhancing IGF-1 levels!

And it can work wonders at any age.

All it takes is eating the right combination of foods, at the right times.21

These foods are absolutely delicious, and the furthest thing from gross “diet foods”.

That’s what makes the personalized IGF-1 meal plan you’re about to get so revolutionary.

It reveals the perfect foods for all of us who desire to lose weight yet don’t care for dieting.

If that sounds like you, you’re lucky you’ve found this transcript!

So which foods will optimize your IGF-1 levels?

And when should you eat them to reactivate M.A.T. so you can burn EVEN MORE FAT?

Well, I have good news.

You do NOT have to eat bushels of kale and spinach to dial in your IGF-1…

In fact…

To optimize this youth hormone
I want you to devour “cheat” foods.

Foods like the carbs we all love.

For me, that's mouthwatering breads and rich desserts. For others, it's pasta or tasty cereals.

If you eat them at just the right times, these foods stimulate your M.A.T.

That means you can lose weight without feeling deprived... that’s a godsend!

It makes your new eating plan fun, and a snap to stick to.

Now, eating the right foods at the right time is only one way to optimize IGF-1 and reactivate M.A.T.

And as productive as our time has been together, there is simply no way to cover every tip you’ll want to fully activate your M.A.T.…

…to shed fat from the most stubborn parts of the body like the thighs, hips, and belly…

…to remove “willpower” from the equation and let IGF-1 take over all the hard work…

…to trim off as much fat as possible in just 22 days….

To do that, you’ll want even more personalized help.

I want to give you a step-by-step M.A.T. activating plan

So many men and women of every age are losing weight and completely thriving on the plan you're about to begin today…

Like Victoria from Ontario.

At 48, she didn’t know if she would ever feel good or look good again.

However, in the first 22 days on this IGF-1 optimizing plan she lost 7 pounds.

And then get this: She lost another 33 pounds after that!*

She says, “Literally the fat just came off… Everyone around me comments how great I look.'

Amazing, right? Well she’s not alone.

James T. has a pretty amazing story.

Through his early 30s, he tried everything, but the weight always came back…

Until he tried my simple IGF-1 optimizing plan.

That’s when the fat really started coming off. He’s down 100 lbs. and still going.

He says it was a “life changer.”

In fact, he’s even started dating a beautiful woman.

And check out Robert who lost a stunning 42 lbs.

Robert was a self-described “workout junkie.”

Yet he couldn’t manage to lose a pound.

Then he started following my IGF-1 optimizing plan.

And he was shocked at how quickly his body changed.

He says, “By day 7, people had already started complimenting me. Now, people tell me I look like I went in a chamber and came out somebody totally new. I have more energy. I feel better. I rest better.”

And then there’s Shari, one of my favorite stories.

In her first 22 days, she dropped 14 and a half pounds. More importantly, by optimizing her IGF-1, she upgraded her fat burning level…

And following the same plan, she kept upgrading it for the next 11 months.

Overall, she lost 130 pounds and looks fantastic.

She says, “There isn’t anything special about me at all. I followed the plan and my body responded the way it’s supposed to.”

Literally tens of thousands of men and women have used this plan to lose weight, and start feeling as good as they look.

I’d love nothing more than for you to join these thrilling success stories and do it in just 22 days.

That’s why, I’d like to give you the same personalized M.A.T. activating, fat burning plan.

Your Customized 22-Day Plan to
Fully Activate M.A.T. to Burn Fat 24x7

Over 147,312 Have Upgraded Their
Fat Burning Type… and Now It's Your Turn

The Metabolic Factor represents my life’s work.

It’s an easy-to-understand blueprint that contains everything I know about optimizing IGF-1 levels naturally…

And the best part is, it only takes a few simple changes to which foods you eat and when.

That means there is NO exercise required…

In fact, if you’re not exercising now, I do NOT want you to start during your first 22 days.

Plus, unlike the trendy “keto” and carb restricting plans…

I want you to occasionally feast on carbs.

Sound crazy? Well it’s fully backed by the latest science.

You see, when you cut carbs and calories on a traditional diet, your metabolism actually slows down

And that makes perfect sense.

If all of a sudden you start eating less, your body is programed to think that food is scarce…

So it starts burning fewer calories.

But, if you strategically add in high-carb, high-calorie meals…

Like pizza, pasta, nachos…

Even decadent fudge brownies…

That tells your body there’s plenty of food around…

So your metabolism kicks into HIGH gear… And actually helps upgrade your fat burning level!

Of course, you can’t over-indulge on these carb feasts every day.

The trick is to use them strategically – like I show you in Metabolic Factor – and you’ll keep your metabolism humming along…

Burning fat at top speed without ever feeling deprived.

And that’s just ONE difference that makes The Metabolic Factor stand apart from every “diet plan” out there…

Here’s Why The Metabolic Factor is Different:

Traditional DietMetabolic Factor
Starve yourself of carbsFeast on carbs
Count caloriesNever count calories
End up with soft and saggy musclesTighten and tone your muscles
Need super-human willpower…Let hormones control hunger & cravings
Suffer yo-yo weight gainsEnjoy consistent weight loss
Get stuck on a one-size-fits-all planCustomized plan for your fat burning type
Damage and slow metabolismRepair and improve your metabolism
Disrupt IGF-1Naturally optimize fat-burning IGF-1
Destroy calorie-burning M.A.T.Fully activate calorie-burning M.A.T

Not too shabby… right?

I simply haven’t seen any other meal plan that can offer you all of this in one easy, enjoyable, and lifestyle-friendly system.

However, to fully-activate your fat-burning M.A.T., you need more than just a meal plan… you need a step-by-step system that works with your whole body.

You need a system that optimizes your IGF-1 levels so the full calorie-burning power of your M.A.T. can be unleashed.

Which is why today, I’d love to give you:

The Metabolic Factor IGF-1 Optimizing Blueprint
Your 22-day guide to the most enjoyable weight loss ever!

You see, eating the right foods at the right times IS a powerful way to optimize IGF-1… but it’s not the only way.

Which is why I’ve also included 5 additional natural IGF-1 Optimizers in The Metabolic Factor Blueprint at NO additional charge:

IGF-1 Optimizer #1: Tasty Craving Killers

These are 3 simple snacks that stop sugar urges and hunger pains dead in their tracks.

Plus they help optimize IGF-1 even more!

You're absolutely gonna love these tasty treats!

IGF-1 Optimizer #2: Daily Fat Burners

These are those everyday activities like walking around the house and even brushing your teeth.

Well, these movements are about to become potent fat-burners for you.

And because of that… For 22 days you won’t have to “exercise” at all.

That’s right: I do NOT want you to exercise.

Now, if you’re already following an exercise program you like, you don’t have to stop.

However, if you’re not already working out, now is NOT the time to start.

Instead, I’m going to give you an easy plan that uses common, everyday movements to optimize IGF-1.

IGF-1 Optimizer #3: Easy Sleep Enhancers

You’ll use my “15-Minute IGF-1 Sound Sleep Technique.”

This helps put you in a deep, relaxing sleep that helps optimize IGF-1, rejuvenate your fat-burning M.A.T…

And awaken you to the best natural energy you’ve had in years!

IGF-1 Optimizer #4: Quick Stress Relief

Stress can be a serious problem for your fat-burning type.

That’s because even normal stress from work, family, or that never-ending to-do list can release a flood of the stress hormone cortisol into your body.

Too much cortisol can force your body to attack your own M.A.T., age you faster, and disrupt IGF-1.

So it’s critical that we get your stress under control.

That’s why you’ll love my “4-minute Relaxation Relief.”

This simple technique helps neutralize cortisol and takes your body to the next Fat Burning level.

And it’s so easy that it only takes 4 minutes!

IGF-1 Optimizer #5: Simple Detox

Did you know there’s a 15-minute “Spa-Like Experience” that you can create in your own home for less than a few pennies?

This allows your body to effortlessly release some of the toxins you’ve stored over the years.

These toxins are a major factor preventing you from losing weight and feeling healthy!

When these toxins have been flushed from your body, your IGF-1 naturally optimizes to the level that maximizes your body’s ability to burn fat.

I’ve been using these five steps with clients just like you for years…

And as you saw earlier, they can create…

A life-changing transformation in just 22 days.

When you get your personalized copy of the Metabolic Factor, you’ll be blown away by just how easy the steps are to implement.

Getting this plan to as many people as I can has become my mission in life.

You see, I wasn’t always the full-time fat-burner I am today.

In my younger years, I struggled with addictions of every sort: alcohol, drugs… even food.

My weight was all over the place. My health was in ruins.

And I was just shy of my 40th birthday.

I finally realized that if I didn’t clean up my life - I would never live to see 40, let alone 50 or 60.

The problem was, I couldn’t do it on my own.

I had to accept the help of my friends and family.

Without their help, I would have never gotten clean and sober.

I would have never earned my Ph.D. in nutrition.

And I would have never lost the weight I needed to regain my health.

Their life-changing support is the reason I dedicated my life to helping others.

And it’s the reason I created The Metabolic Factor for folks like you.

It’s written in a cut-to-the-chase manner you can breeze through.

Everything you need to know about each of the 5 IGF-1 Optimizers is laid out in 75 simple-to-read pages.

You can absorb and apply all 5 in a matter of minutes.

Plus, it comes with the Metabolic Factor Daily Nutrition Planner.

This means you’ll never have to guess what to eat next.

It’s all laid out for you in the easiest plan I’ve ever created.

The Metabolic Factor is designed to
give you maximum “food freedom.”

That means you can enjoy delicious carb feasts that create even greater weight loss.

These carb feasts include treats like this BBQ burger with sweet potato fries

Or this amazing Chicken Fried Rice

Or even this unbelievable Chocolate Lava Cake.

Yes, Chocolate Lava Cake is a weight loss food when you follow my Metabolic Factor Blueprint!

It’s a plan that kicks your metabolism into action as it awakens your metabolically active fat-burning tissue in just 22 days.

That’s all it takes!

Today, You Can Lock in A Once-In-A-Lifetime Discount

Now, if the Blueprint and Nutrition planner were all you receive today, they would still easily be worth the $97 retail price my publishers wanted me to charge.

And when I toss in the bonuses you’ll see in a sec, that $97 is going to sound borderline crazy.

Here's how I managed to get you the discount you're about to see:

I convinced my publisher to pre-order 40,000 copies of The Metabolic Factor System.

That let us negotiate a massive discount with our printer.

I know, that sounds like a gutsy move... and frankly, it was.

But I've seen WAY too many folks just like you, who – thanks to the Metabolic Factor system – are finally walking around in the bodies they've always wanted.

Once my publishers saw these results…

And once they felt my passion for helping you transform your body and your life…

They were SOLD.

And that’s why I can offer you the COMPLETE Metabolic Factor system for the remarkably low price you’ll see a bit further down.

This is such an unbelievable discount, I’m not even positive that it’s still available. You’ll have to check below.

After these initial copies are sold, we may have to go up in price.

Before you look at the price, I want to show how…

You Get Even More Fat-Burning Tools When You
Secure Your Copy of The Metabolic Factor!

To sweeten the deal, and help you burn fat even faster, you'll also receive the following FREE gifts:

Gift #1: The Metabolic Factor 10-Minute Meals…

Wouldn’t you like to have a ton of delicious, easy-to-make recipes at your fingertips…

…recipes designed with the entire family in mind, including the kiddos…

…with most taking 10 minutes or less to prepare…

…using simple, common ingredients you can find at any local grocery store?

I’ve worked with a gourmet chef to make sure these meals delight even the pickiest eater in your family…

And a huge variety of metabolism-boosting “carb feast” meals and desserts.

Remember, these are the secret to keeping your metabolism high, and your M.A.T. burning fat at top speed.

Just take a look at these tasty treats… can you believe these are the key to burning more fat?

Well they’re not the only mouth-watering secrets in this meal plan.

I've also included some of the MOST DELICIOUS Metabolic Milkshake recipes you can imagine!

Like this vitamin boosting Cherry Amaretto shake…

Or this antioxidant rich Chocolate Cashew Crunch…

Or this youth-enhancing Pumpkin Spice Apple Strudel shake.

Enjoy this in the morning, when you’re on the go, or when you don’t have time to make a full meal.

If you like milkshakes, you're really in luck today.

My Metabolic Milkshakes and these 10-Minute Meals give you the flavors you crave, the tastes you love, and the free time that you may have never imagined was possible.

That’s what you’ll receive in my taste-bud-tempting collection.


I’m including your exact day-by-day, meal-by-meal plan that you can customize based on your personal preferences and tastes.

The only way to grab these delicious meal and shake plans is to reserve your copy of the Metabolic Factor by selecting your preferred option below.

Plus, when you do, I’ll also give you these 4 additional free gifts:

Gift #2: The Metabolic Factor Quick Start Guide…

While the Metabolic Factor 22-Day Blueprint is a quick and easy 115-page read…

You’ll probably want to get started the minute you secure your program.

That’s why I condensed the entire Metabolic Factor Plan into a “skim it in seconds” Quick Start Guide.

You’ll get the gist of the program in less time than it takes to look over the menu at your favorite restaurant…

…and you’ll be off to the races, burning more fat and living the energetic lifestyle you so richly deserve.

Gift #3: The Metabolic Factor Progress Tracker…

Even though your M.A.T. will be optimized in just 22 days…

I’ve found that having a simple daily calendar to track your results is a lot of fun!

It allows you to measure the fat loss from specific parts of your body:

The places where you most want to lose weight.

You’ll also be able to gauge how quickly your M.A.T. is activating.

And now you can literally SEE your M.A.T. increase so you KNOW you're right on track!

Plus it helps you notice the 'little things' that dramatically improve your life:

  • Your energy skyrocketing…
  • Aches and pains disappearing…
  • Digestive issues, mood and sleep improving…
  • And so much more!

You'll find these little changes add up to massive improvements in how you look and feel, as well as even faster weight loss results.

Gift #4: Metabolic Motivation Emails…

I am a big believer in taking my clients by the hand. These are smart, busy people, much like yourself….

And it really helps to hear from me daily, even if it’s just a few words of encouragement, or a reminder here and there.

That’s why I created my 22-Day Metabolic Motivation: daily email messages that will give you guidance, tips, and inspiration.

It’s like having me walk beside you throughout the 22-day M.A.T.-activating plan, as you watch your body transform before your eyes!

I’ve seen just about every obstacle, every trap, every pitfall that trips people up…

…so just when you’ve encountered your first?

You should have an email from me at just the right time with just the right advice to help you stay on track.

Finally, there's My Metabolic Factor SUPER BONUS:

Gift #5: Weekly Coaching Calls With Me!

Look: I’ve seen what this kind of weight loss success can do to you.

The changes you are about to see in your body will make you feel amazing, and it may actually be a bit of an adjustment.

This kind of dramatic mind, body and spirit transformation can often be overwhelming.

So, I want to personally coach you through this transition and into the lean, active, and healthy next phase of your life!

That’s why I’m including FOUR Coaching Calls with your purchase today… absolutely FREE.

Did you know that my Master’s Degree is in Psychology?

I’ve coached literally thousands of clients over the hurdles of success, as well as unexpected life challenges that may come up.

And now, I’m going to coach you.

Normally I charge $197 for each coaching session.

However, I wanted to give this to you as a special Super Bonus at no extra charge…

So I’ve taken the four TOP RATED coaching calls I’ve ever done…

…and once every week, you’ll receive a new call to keep you on track.

And, at day 22, you’ll get my “What To Do Next” Coaching Tutorial.

This will help you STAY a full-time Fat-burner…

…and keep your weight loss going for as long as you like!

The last thing I want for you is to experience that frustrating yo-yo weight gain…

These coaching calls will help you stay locked in to your new, enhanced Fat Burning Level.

All of this... every report, every call, and every other bonus is waiting for you inside The Metabolic Factor Members Area…

…and you can only access it by selecting your preferred ordering option below now.

Do that now, and I'll lock in the discounted price while it’s still available:

Regular Price: $67.00

$30 Discount Still Available:

  • Inventory Status: Very Low
  • Purchases in Last 24 Hours: 57
  • People Purchasing Right Now: 8

Choose Preferred Version Below to Apply Discount

Order Online: Any Country, Any Time
24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A Year

You are protected by
our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee:

If in 60 days you aren't satisfied
for any reason, simply email us at or
call 1-800-316-8556 and we'll
promptly refund your order
(less S&H), no questions asked.

Just Look At The Incredible Value of
Everything You’re Receiving Today:

A simple bout with a calculator will reveal my publisher’s normal retail price would be $168…

Plus, an extra $788 if I were to charge my normal rate for the Super Bonus coaching calls.

Now, despite The Metabolic Factor being easily worth this much money…

Activating M.A.T., getting lean, and improving your health shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.

I already mentioned how I pre-ordered 40,000 copies… That’s helped me dramatically lower the price.

Then it hit me:

When you simply follow the program and listen to my 4 coaching calls…

I believe you’ll want to tell everyone who asks about your dramatic transformation about The Metabolic Factor System…

That means your new lean, healthy body will be the best advertising I could ever hope for.

The Metabolic Factor Blueprint Free Download For Windows 7

So while I COULD have offered you a discounted price of just $97.

I’m offering it to you right now for MUCH less than that.

And it’s not just a great price you’re getting today…

I’ve also created a 60-Day “Prove It To Yourself” Guarantee Checklist that you will use to literally measure your body-rejuvenating results.

This includes six guarantees that you’ll get the results you’ve been looking for.

On the off-chance you don’t check off all 6 of these “Lifestyle Upgrades”, I’ll send you back every penny.

That’s my personal guarantee to you.

Your “Prove It To Yourself” Guarantee Checklist:

You are protected by
our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee:

If in 60 days you aren't satisfied
for any reason, simply email us at or
call 1-800-316-8556 and we'll
promptly refund your order
(less S&H), no questions asked.

#1: You notice it in your clothes. Pick out a pair of pants or a dress that doesn’t fit the way you like. If you can’t wear it comfortably in 22 days, then guess what? I’ll pay for your program…

#2: Your friends take notice. If you don’t receive at least 3 compliments on your new appearance, then guess what? I’ll pay for your program….

#3: You feel better. If your daily mood doesn’t improve, if you don’t experience fewer aches and pains, if you don’t see a surge in your energy, and if you don’t enjoy the best sleep of your life… guess what? I’ll pay for your program….

#4: You think more clearly. If you don’t experience a sharper memory, faster thinking, and clearer focus... guess what? I’ll pay for your program….

#5: You simply look better. It’s not just your waistline we’re talking about here. If you don’t think your skin looks healthier, your hair is thicker and shinier, and your nails are less brittle… guess what? I’ll pay for your program…

#6: It’s the easiest “diet” ever! If you don’t feel that this is the easiest, most family-friendly nutrition plan you’ve ever experienced, then guess what? I’ll pay for your program….

You know, the power of choice is one of the greatest personal liberties you and I enjoy.

So when you click on the button below right now to secure your Fast Action Discount…

Fully backed up by my 6-Point Satisfaction Guarantee Checklist…

Tonight you will be able to proudly proclaim:

“Today, I made a choice that will affect the rest of my life.”

John from Georgia
Lost 50 lbs.*

-John K.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Veronica from Texas
Lost 20 lbs.*

-Veronica G.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.


Kendra from Michigan
Lost 15 lbs.*

-Kendra C.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Jake from the Philippines Lost 17 lbs.*

-Jake C.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Victor from New York
Lost 57 lbs.*

The Metabolic Factor Blueprint Free Download
-Victor Z.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Robi from Vancouver
Lost 19% body fat*

-Robi R.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Patty from Texas
Lost 165 lbs.*

-Patty E.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

James from Minnesota
Lost 100 lbs.*

-James T.Verified Buyer

*Results vary based on age, gender, and weight.
Expected weight loss is 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week.

Choose Preferred Version Below to Apply Discount

Order Online: Any Country, Any Time
24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A Year

You are protected by
our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee:

If in 60 days you aren't satisfied
for any reason, simply email us at or
call 1-800-316-8556 and we'll
promptly refund your order
(less S&H), no questions asked.

There Are Only 2 Paths You Can Choose Today…

The first is the path you’re currently struggling to maintain.

The road is jagged and rough.

The challenges you face are frightening.

And right now, no one is helping you find your way.

If you choose to continue on this path, please just be aware that things will only get more difficult as the days, months and years pass.

Your IGF-1 levels will continue to plummet…taking your precious fat-burning M.A.T. along with it...

… and you may suffer from continued weight gain, lack of energy, and simply feeling “old” even if you’re not.

Not too long from now, you may even give up.

You may just toss in the towel, and resign yourself to leading half a life.

A life where your body betrays you at every turn.

A life where celebration and joy are limited by your physical, emotional, and even spiritual well-being.

A life less spectacular than you truly deserve.

The Metabolic Factor Blueprint Free Download For Pc

This is not the path I would choose for you… but only you can choose correctly.

Only you have that power.

The power to choose The Metabolic Path.

Here’s what 22 days on The Metabolic Path can look like for you.

The Metabolic Factor Blueprint Free Download Free

Just hours after you begin The Metabolic Factor Program, you begin to notice a small shift in the way that you feel.

It's subtle at first… a wave of unexpected energy, a burst of excitement, a bit of eager anticipation for what lies ahead for you.

Then, at about day 5, you move from 'subtle' to 'Oh, wow!'

You begin to notice that your waistline looks slimmer as you pass by your bathroom mirror.

Your face has lost its puffiness, and your clothes are starting to drape off of your body.

By day 11, you notice that you're not even thinking about food or watching what you're eating.

You're simply eating and enjoying it while your internal calorie counter automatically manages your hunger for you.

Today, a friend compliments you, saying, 'You look so refreshed! What are you doing differently?'

Others are noticing too... and by day 15, you are swimming in positive reinforcement.

Your energy today has reached a level you haven't experienced since high school.

You see changes in your body every day… from the inches leaving those stubborn areas that used to plague you, to your skin tightening and improving…

…revealing that younger, slimmer you that your family remembers, and that you never thought you’d see again.

It’s now day 22, and life has taken on a whole new dimension:

You are truly alive.

Your relationships are thriving.

Your body is back under your control.

Your vitality is apparent to everyone who sees you.

The way you feel, look, and move finally makes you feel a sense of contentment…

…and now, you have the rest of your life to look forward to…

…in a body that will empower you to live to the fullest.

Which path sounds like the smart choice?

There’s only one: The Metabolic Path.

Click the button below to claim your copy of The Metabolic Factor and get started on that path today. I’ll be walking beside you, all the way to the end.

Choose Preferred Version Below to Apply Discount

Order Online: Any Country, Any Time
24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A Year

You are protected by
our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee:

If in 60 days you aren't satisfied
for any reason, simply email us at or
call 1-800-316-8556 and we'll
promptly refund your order
(less S&H), no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the lowest price, are there any discounts I can use?

The price you see on this page is guaranteed to be the lowest price available. In fact, we’ve partnered with Norton Shopping Guarantee to back that up with their Lowest Price Guarantee. If you find a lower price anywhere else, they’ll pay up to $100 of the difference. Of course, you’d never need to use that since this website is the only place you can buy it.

If it doesn’t work for me, how easy and fast can I get a refund?

In the rare chance The Metabolic Factor doesn’t work as well for you as it has for the tens of thousands of others, you can get a same-day refund, no questions asked, simply by calling 800-279-3322 or emailing

In fact, we offer something even better than the usual money-back guarantee: the only 6-Point Satisfaction Checklist that guarantees results in 6 specific, measurable ways, or your money back:

  • You notice it in your clothes. Pick out a pair of pants or a dress that doesn’t fit the way you like. If you can’t wear it comfortably in 22 days, then you can get your money back.
  • Your friends take notice. If you don’t receive at least 3 compliments on your new appearance, then you can get your money back.
  • You feel better. If your daily mood doesn’t improve, if you don’t experience fewer aches and pains, if you don’t see a surge in your energy, and if you don’t enjoy the best sleep of your life, then you can get your money back.
  • You think more clearly. If you don’t experience a sharper memory, faster thinking, and clear focus, then you can get your money back.
  • You simply look better. It’s not just your waistline we’re talking about here. If you don’t think your skin looks younger, your hair is thicker and shinier, and your nails are less brittle, then you can get your money back.
  • This is the easiest way to lose weight ever! If you don’t feel that this is the easiest, most family-friendly nutrition plan you’ve ever experienced, then you can get your money back.

How fast will I see results?

Most people report feeling results on The Metabolic Factor in as little as 48-72 hours. You’ll probably notice a pleasant lift in your mood, an increase in your energy, and even some weight loss during your first few days. Since the plan is only 22 days long, you’ll notice (and others will notice) many physical changes very quickly.

One warning: some of the changes you’ll feel will happen so quickly, they may come as a bit of a shock to you and those around you. You’ll probably be asked a lot of questions about what you’re doing, or “Say, did you just go on a vacation? You look 10 years younger!” This is to be expected. Rapid changes often bring about a lot of curious questions, but it’s a small price to pay.

Do other nutrition plans optimize IGF-1?

If they do, it is by accident, not design. The Metabolic Factor is the first plan of its kind designed specifically to optimize IGF-1 without resorting to dangerous, expensive, painful drugs.

Can I take injections or supplements to optimize IGF-1?

You can take HGH (Human Growth Hormone) injections, as HGH converts into IGF-1...although at tremendous expense and risk to your health. Obviously I cannot recommend this. There are several supplements that stabilize IGF-1 when used with The Metabolic Factor Meal Plan. I’ll share more about these on the next page after you order.

What happens when I finish the 22-day Metabolic Factor Plan?

Your post-Metabolic Factor 22-Day Plan is very simple. The foods you can eat actually increase as The Metabolic Factor becomes a part of your lifestyle. I cover exactly what to do in The Metabolic Factor Blueprint. The good news is that you won’t have to think about it: your eating and cravings will be put on autopilot during the first 22 days as IGF-1 becomes your built-in “Calorie Controller”. This makes sticking to the plan a piece of cake. (And yes, you can actually have a piece of cake!)

Who is Metabolic Living and how long have you been in business?

Metabolic Living, formerly known as Natural Health Sherpa, has been creating innovative metabolism-optimizing solutions since 2011. This includes nutrition and exercise programs, nutritional supplements, functional foods and coaching programs.

We are based in the U.S. and have a team of nearly 50 people. We obsess over all of our products, ensuring every last detail is perfected so that you can get the most results in the least time. After all, life’s short, so let’s make it count :-)

How can I contact someone if I have a question?

Easy, you can contact our customer service by calling 800-279-3322 or emailing Our hours of operation are 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET.

How fast will my product ship?

All orders placed by 3:30 p.m. ET ship the same day and arrival time depends on location:

  • United States – Arrives within 2 – 8 business days for continental U.S. (4 - 8 days for Alaska and Hawaii) via United States Postal Service (USPS)
  • Canada – Arrives within 3 – 7 business days via Canadian Expedited Parcel
  • All Other Countries – Arrives within 2 – 3 weeks via 1st Class Mail International through USPS. Note: Delivery time can be affected by each country’s Custom’s procedures.

Are there any recurring charges?

No, when you purchase The Metabolic Factor, there is only the one-time charge listed on this page. You may have the option later to add additional upgrades to your order that may have additional charges, but those are completely your choice.

Where do you ship internationally?

With very few exceptions, we ship to all countries around the world. International shipments arrive within 2 – 3 weeks via 1st Class Mail International through USPS. Note: Delivery time can be affected by each country’s Custom’s procedures.

What kind of support will I receive after I purchase Metabolic Factor?

Tons. You’ll be given instant access to our private Facebook group wherein only those people who have purchased Metabolic Factor can gain access. You’ll be welcomed by hundreds of others who are going through the program at the same time you are. You’ll also be able to reach out to our helpful nutritionists to ask them any questions you want. This type of concierge service is one of our customers’ most favorite features of The Metabolic Factor.

Will this program work if I’m a vegan or a vegetarian?

Yes! We have specific instructions inside the program on how to make the modifications to support a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. The same principles still apply, and you have just as much of an opportunity to become a full time level 4 fat burner as everyone else.

What if I have a food allergy?

Of course, you should always check with your doctor first before trying any new program, but The Metabolic Factor is a very low-allergenic eating philosophy to begin with. Plus, we have specific instructions that allow you to customize the program based on whatever allergies you do have, whether that’s to gluten, dairy, soy, corn, seafood, nightshades or anything else.

Why is it completely safe to use The Metabolic Factor if I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid problems or another health condition?

Of course, you should always check with your doctor first before trying any new program, but The Metabolic Factor is designed to optimize your metabolism and nourish your body from head to toe. Whatever health challenges you are suffering from, The Metabolic Factor encourages you to consume plenty of healthy fiber, healthy fats, lean proteins and antioxidants, all of which can help your metabolism thrive. When your metabolism is thriving, your cells fill with energy and can do their jobs better, which is why so many people experience such wide-ranging improvements in their health.

Can I do this with my existing workout program?

Yes, absolutely! While Dr. Jonny recommends you simply walk each day of the program to help your metabolism rest, reset and heal, you are more than welcome to continue doing your favorite exercise.

Can I download the videos to my mobile device?

Yes, all videos associated with this program can be downloaded to your mobile device for easy viewing whenever is convenient for you.

What is your $100,000 of identity protection from McAfee all about?

We go to great lengths to ensure your personal data is kept safe and secure:

  • 256-Bit Encryption -- When you place your order it will be protected by 256-bit encrypted SSL – the same technology that banks use to protect their online transactions.
  • Norton Security – Your computer’s connection to our website is protected by Norton, the world’s leading authority in securing websites.
  • McAfee Trusted – We also partner with McAfee to ensure our website has no malware or malicious links and is not doing any phishing to steal your identity. Plus, when you make your purchase, McAfee gives you $100,000 of complimentary identity protection coverage for 90 days.
+ Scientific References
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  3. 3 McClave, Stephen A., and Harvy L. Snider. 'Dissecting the energy needs of the body.' Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care 4.2 (2001): 143-147.
  4. 4 Nutritional Goals for Age-Sex Groups Based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines Recommendations Accessed April 11, 2018.
  5. 5 Rosario, Pedro Weslley. 'Normal values of serum IGF-1 in adults: results from a Brazilian population.' Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 54.5 (2010): 477-481.
  6. 6 Simopoulos, Artemis P. 'The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids.' Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy 56.8 (2002): 365-379.
  7. 7 Simopoulos, Artemis P. 'An increase in the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio increases the risk for obesity.' Nutrients 8.3 (2016): 128.
  8. 8 “How to Optimize Your Omega-3 to Omega-6 Fat Ratio” Accessed April 11, 2018.
  9. 9 Vysakh, A., et al. 'Polyphenolics isolated from virgin coconut oil inhibits adjuvant induced arthritis in rats through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.' International immunopharmacology 20.1 (2014): 124-130.
  10. 10 Musumeci, Giuseppe, et al. 'Extra-virgin olive oil diet and mild physical activity prevent cartilage degeneration in an osteoarthritis model: an in vivo and in vitro study on lubricin expression.' The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 24.12 (2013): 2064-2075.
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  12. 12 Nevin, K. G., and T. Rajamohan. 'Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil on lipid parameters and in vitro LDL oxidation.' Clinical biochemistry 37.9 (2004): 830-835.
  13. 13 Covas, María-Isabel, et al. 'The effect of polyphenols in olive oil on heart disease risk factors: a randomized trial.' Annals of internal medicine 145.5 (2006): 333-341.
  14. 14 Pätzold, Ralf, and Hans Brückner. 'Mass spectrometric detection and formation of D-amino acids in processed plant saps, syrups, and fruit juice concentrates.' Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53.25 (2005): 9722-9729.
  15. 15 Philippaert, Koenraad, et al. 'Steviol glycosides enhance pancreatic beta-cell function and taste sensation by potentiation of TRPM5 channel activity.' Nature communications 8 (2017): 14733.
  16. 16 “Test ID: IGFGP. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1), LC-MS and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP3) Growth Panel.” Accessed April 11,2018.
  17. 17 Westwood, Andrew J., Alexa Beiser, Charles DeCarli, Tamara B. Harris, Tai C. Chen, Xue-mei He, Ronenn Roubenoff et al. 'Insulin-like growth factor-1 and risk of Alzheimer dementia and brain atrophy.' Neurology 82.18 (2014): 1613-1619.
  18. 18 Laughlin, Gail A., et al. 'The prospective association of serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein-1 levels with all cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults: the Rancho Bernardo Study.' The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 89.1 (2004): 114-120
  19. 19 Ohlsson, Claes, et al. 'Older men with low serum IGF-1 have an increased risk of incident fractures: The MrOS Sweden study.' Journal of bone and mineral research 26.4 (2011): 865-872
  20. 20 Noordam, R., et al. 'Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 and facial ageing: high levels associate with reduced skin wrinkling in a cross-sectional study.' British Journal of Dermatology 168.3 (2013): 533-538
  21. 21 Rosario, Pedro Weslley. 'Normal values of serum IGF-1 in adults: results from a Brazilian population.' Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 54.5 (2010): 477-481.
  22. 22 Giovannucci, Edward, et al. 'Nutritional predictors of insulin-like growth factor I and their relationships to cancer in men.' Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers 12.2 (2003): 84-89.

Most Popular Upgrade: Extra Fat Burning Recipes

With these 49 extra mouth-watering recipes, you can extend the fat-burning effect of Metabolic Factor long after 22 days. Designed by a gourmet chef, yet with simple ingredients, these 10-minute recipes will delight your taste buds with:

  • 12 EXTRA fat-burning breakfasts like the Italian Sweet-Veggie Scramble, California Breakfast Crepe Protein Waffles
  • 16 EXTRA energy-enhancing lunches & dinners like Beef Kung Pao, Slow-Cooker Pulled Pork and Hot Bacon Kale Salad
  • 21 EXTRA metabolism-boosting smoothies like the Mocha Fudge Feast, Mint Chocolate Crunch or Blueberry Cheesecake Delight

Normally $37, but just $14.95 when you add to your order now:

Note: Delivered as an instant download so there’s no extra cost for shipping.